SaaS and Cloud breaches are inevitable.

Mitigate them.

Harness the industry's most complete solution for SaaS and cloud threat detection, investigation, and response.

"Mitiga has a very elegant solution that enables companies to respond to sophisticated attacks in their SaaS and Cloud environments immediately."
"We know how important it is to be prepared before an incident occurs, especially in cloud infrastructure."
Jonathan Jaffe
Jonathan Jaffe
"When something bad happens and you need to activate Mitiga, within an hour they already have people looking at your logs for the past year or even more."


Achieve Panoramic Visibility with Mitiga’s TDIR Platform

Adversaries lurk in the white spaces that traditional cloud security solutions can’t detect. Even when combined in your security stack, a CNAPP, SSPM, and native solutions like Google Chronicle don’t provide the comprehensive visibility or context your SecOps team needs to detect, investigate, and respond to threats fast. Mitiga fills in the missing pieces – providing panoramic visibility across SaaS, cloud, and identity, illuminating attack paths, and sealing gaps shut – leaving adversaries nowhere to hide.

Other solutions don't fly for SaaS and cloud threats.

They're slow. They're expensive. And they're not fit for purpose.

Mitiga empowers SecOps two ways

Most Advanced Technology

Experts at the Ready to Manage TDIR For You

  • Cloud TDIR Readiness
    Know how prepared you are to battle threats across clouds, identities, and SaaS in a single pane of glass.
  • SaaS and Cloud Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
    Let Mitiga keep tabs on your cloud and SaaS ecosystem 365/24/7 to detect and verify threats that other systems missed.
  • Cloud Detection and Response (CDR)
    Find and eliminate sophisticated cloud and SaaS threats before they escalate across your cloud ecosystem.
  • Managed Cloud Threat Hunting Program
    Rely on Mitiga pros to uncover sophisticated threats across your clouds, identities, and SaaS, enabling swift response.
  • Cloud Investigation and Response Automation
    Always have the speed you need to zero in on threats faster and recover better.
  • Cloud Incident Response
    Have the most experienced SaaS and cloud IR experts on call with advanced tooling to respond effectively.
Cloud Security and Forensic Data Lake
Supporting all of our solutions with the industry's deepest, widest cloud security data lake, built by investigators for investigators.
  • Cloud TDIR Readiness
    Know how prepared you are to battle threats across clouds, identities, and SaaS in a single page of glass.
  • Cloud Detection and Response (CDR)
    Find and eliminate sophisticated cloud and SaaS threats before they escalate across your cloud ecosystem.
  • Cloud Investigation and Response Automation
    Always have the speed you need to zero in on threats faster and recover better.
Managed Services
  • SaaS and Cloud Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
    Let Mitiga keep tabs on your cloud and SaaS ecosystem 365/24/7 to detect and verify threats that other systems missed.
  • Managed Cloud Threat Hunting Program
    Rely on Mitiga pros to uncover sophisticated threats across your clouds, identities, and SaaS, enabling swift response.
  • Cloud Incident Response
    Have the most experienced SaaS and cloud IR experts on call with advanced tooling to respond effectively.
Data Lake
Cloud Security and Forensic Data Lake
Supporting all of our solutions with the industry's deepest, widest cloud security data lake, built by investigators for investigators.

Where your CNAPP stops, Mitiga begins

Fill the hole in your cloud security tech stack, with the leading cloud TDIR solution—covering all your clouds, identities, and SaaS.

Trusted by leading modern enterprises

Want to see our solutions in action?

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