Mitiga Appoints Charlie Thomas as CEO READ THE RELEASE

Mitiga Announces $30M Series B Led by SYN Ventures READ THE NEWS

Stav Ochakovski

Stav Ochakovski

Devops Engineer

Devops Engineer Stav Ochakovski is responsible for ensuring that all Mitiga systems are reliable, secure, and efficient. She is also known as a Kuberenetes geek, skipper, and pastry chef!

EKS Role Unchaining: Tracing AWS Events Back to Pods for Enhanced Security

Learn two approaches for EKS unchaining that allow teams to associate AWS events with the pods that triggered them.

Why Did AWS Replace My Role’s ARN with a Unique ID in My Policy?

Understand why AWS replaced your role's ARN with a unique ID in your policy and learn how it affects your IAM management and cloud security practices.

How AWS EKS Pod Identity Feature Enhances Credential Management

This past week at re:Invent, AWS announced a very cool new product feature: EKS Pod Identity. As an AWS user, and specifically an EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) user, I spend a great deal of time connecting my pods and workloads to other AWS services and clusters in other regions and accounts, so for me, this feature arrives just in time.

If It Scares You, It Might Be Good to Try — Monorepo and Dynamically Configured CI

In this blog, Mitiga Devops Engineer Stav Ochakovski addresses our organizational monorepo shift and why it triggered a CI adjustment, as well.