Mitiga at RSAC 2025: Visit our booth, attend speaking sessions, and schedule a meeting with us!

Panel Discussion

Practical Tips for Cloud Incident Response

Watch: Practical Tips for Cloud Incident Response with Ofer Maor, Chenxi Wang, Ph.D., David B. Cross, and Reet Kaur at CloudNativeDay 2022

Cloud Security and Cyber Insurance Experts Help Organizations Learn How to Mitigate Cloud and SaaS Threats

We really need to define and understand “Where is the border between our security or what we invest in cybersecurity as a client, and between the infrastructure?” And sometimes because they're so big and because they are, we trust that they have everything, is that a right presumption from our side?

Protecting Data and Access in Cloud Environments

When we're talking about this modern era now, what new challenges do you need to address that are different in terms of access, data, and identity that perhaps are different than things you might've had to think about a couple years back?

Get to Know Mitiga: Cloud and SaaS Threat Detection, Investigation, and Response Leader

After 25 years of experience in cybersecurity, we came to a conclusion that in cloud detection, investigation, and response, there is still no single good solution that can oversee the entire landscape of the digital footprint.

What is CIRA? Cyber Terms Explained

CIRA refers to cloud investigation and response automation, which is a way to describe that there's a lot of challenges in the cloud versus on-prem environments.

What is Cloud Ransomware? Cyber Terms Explained

So, if we start with ransomware and then go to cloud ransomware, in cloud there will be two different types: ransomware and extortionware.

What Is Cloud Investigation? Cyber Terms Explained

Maybe before we dive deep into cloud investigation, let's talk about what is the cloud that we're referring to in cybersecurity? Because the cloud has different parts in your organization.

What is Cloud Incident Response? Cyber Terms Explained

Cloud incident response, process-wise, is not very different than a regular incident response—which is the process once we realize we have been breached. We need to start investigating what has happened, what is the impact, when did it happen, and what we need to return to business as usual as soon as possible.

What is a Security Data Lake? Cyber Terms Explained

When we talk about a Security Data Lake, Data Lake is not a very new concept. It's the concept of aggregating alot of data from different resources into a centralized repository.

What is Extortionware? Cyber Terms Explained

Extortionware in the cloud usually means that an attacker managed to leak or compromise some of your sensitive data and is threatening to release that data, and also show the world by releasing this data that they have managed to compromise. yyour organization andhurt your reputation.

Mitiga — RSA Conference 2024 Innovation Sandbox

Each year, RSA Conference invites cybersecurity’s boldest new innovators to compete in RSAC Innovation Sandbox, a contest that puts the spotlight on startups with potentially game-changing ideas.
On Demand Webinar

It's Getting Real & Hitting the Fan! Real World Cloud Attacks

Cloud attacks are getting real and hitting the fan! In the past year we’ve led forensics investigations for some very interesting cloud incidents and are now ready to share them with the world. Watch this webinar with Ofer Maor, Mitiga CTO, to learn more.
On Demand Webinar

Objective-Based Incident Management – Making Decisions Faster and with Confidence

During a critical incident, time is in short supply, and you need to make informed decisions quickly. But the facts are often elusive, and decisions are occasionally reduced all the way down to a risk-based-game of Jenga.
On Demand Webinar

Good Foundations: Building & Implementing a Cloud Incident Response Strategy

The mass migration of business applications to the cloud over the last few years has caused an equally rapid rise in the number of cyberattacks — along with technologies designed to prevent them. Join this webinar to learn why incidents and responses are different in the cloud, what to look at and analyze to detect incidents, and more.
On Demand Webinar

Threat Detection & Response Tools: What Do All Those IR Buzzwords Mean?

In this webinar, Ofer Maor, co-founder and CTO at Mitiga, will walk through terminology, technologies, and history of incident response and monitoring. Register now to join Ofer on August 30.
On Demand Webinar

Rethinking Incident Response for Today's Enterprises: Live at SANS CloudSecNext

Missed our session live from SANS CloudSecNext? Worry not, you can watch in-full here. The field of incident response was created when companies were mostly on-prem and the cyberattack landscape was more contained. Today's cloud and SaaS environments and the vast, dynamic attack surface they create have rendered the old retainer-based approach to IR obsolete. So, what should take its place? Watch this webinar for insights and recommendations from seasoned IR expert, Mitiga Co-founder and COO, Ariel Parnes.
On Demand Webinar

Disclosing Cyber Incidents: What the SEC Ruling Means for Enterprises

Ariel Parnes and Sean Micheal Kerner catch up on the recent SEC ruling, focused on the disclosure of cyber incidents, and unpick what this means for organisations.
On Demand Webinar

5 Ways Cloud Incident Response Is Different (& How to Get Ready)

Learn five ways cloud incident response is different and how a readiness approach can help you get back to business as usual fast

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